TASTE Winter 2024


Pinot Noir & Gouda Gray Monk’s Pinot Noir, a light-bodied, tangy, red berry and cherry-scented wine with earthy undertones, requires thoughtful partnering. “Pinot Noir is well paired with soft cheese like our Comox Brie,” Sutter says. “It also goes well with cheeses like Gouda and our award-winning Aged Farmhouse.” Spurrell adds, “Pinot Noir can be very tricky to match. Typical cheeses you think might work really overshadow these more delicate wines.” She suggests aged Dutch Goudas like Beemster XO or Old Amsterdam. Cabernet Franc & Cheddar “Tried and true cheddar,” Spurrell enthuses, when asked about a cheese pairing with the vibrant cherry, tobacco and spice-laden Bordertown Cabernet Franc. “We tend to think cheddar isn’t interesting, but it can be an amazing match for many different wines.” She says, “Buy a good-quality aged (over two to three years) cheddar. Because of its fatty nature, it works well with rich reds, and if there are big tannins, it can hold its own.” She proposes Belton Farm White Fox from the United Kingdom or Cows Creamery 3 Year Old from Prince Edward Island. Fortified Wine & Blue Cheese Black Sage Vineyard’s Pipe, a sweet dessert wine, conveys rich black cherry, prune and fig characters. For special fortified wines like this, Spurrell and

Sutter agree a full-flavoured blue cheese or Stilton is a wise choice.

Gray Monk Pinot Noir BC VQA $23.99 251835

Bordertown Cabernet Franc BC VQA $22.99 237266

Black Sage Vineyard Pipe

From his Natural Pastures portfolio, Sutton suggests the creamy Amsterdammer, and Spurrell feels “any aged cheese with a bit of richness should be a good match.” She likes Bleu d’Auvergne or Fourme d’Ambert, adding, “I love a fruit cracker or fruit bread with blue cheese and fruit preserve or a little honey and some toasted almonds for a dessert course.”

BC VQA $29.99 713750 500 ml

To protect cheese from drying out and from bacteria in your fridge, Spurrell recommends wrapping it in plastic wrap, cheese paper or waxed paper and sealing it in a container.



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