TASTE Spring2025

Lighten Up non-alcoholic alternatives

Phillips iOTA Dealcoholized Hazy IPA BC Craft $8.99 259083 4 × 355 ml Phillips’ house

Olé Cocktail Co. Non-alcoholic Margarita Lime BC $13.49 375986 4 × 355 ml A classic margarita gets a zesty kick without the alcohol. Crafted with real lime juice and sweetened with organic agave nectar, it is delightfully refreshing!

Guinness 0 Non-Alcoholic Draught Ireland $12.49 264060 4 × 440 ml Undoubtedly Guinness, but the alcohol has been removed through a gentle cold filtration process. Enjoy the creamy roasted coffee and chocolate flavours.

malted barley reveals aromas of pineapple, mango and citrus peel, lending a hand in the tropical hazy hop profile.

Heineken 0.0 Alcohol-Free Lager Netherlands $12.79 208002 6 × 330 ml Carefully crafted

Freixenet Alcohol-Free Sparkling Wine Spain $15.29 187906 This versatile

Bottega Non-alcoholic Sparkling Life Rosé Italy $11.79 521928 Candied strawberry, watermelon and peach flavours make this the perfect beverage to enjoy on the patio or for a toast to the happy moments in our lives.

dealcoholized sparkling wine features ripe juicy peach, pineapple, melon and citrus. It’s perfect for making non-alcoholic mimosas for Sunday brunch.

over many years, this dealcoholized beer is an uncompromising homage to the original Heineken taste from 1873.



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